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19 Dec 2022

Why You Should Partner With a Recruiter

A recruiter’s purpose : A recruiter’s primary purpose is to fulfill the needs of their clients, but for a recruiter to successfully assist their clients, they must be a master in networking. Networking provides recruiters with more market knowledge, including trending skills, competitive pay, and sought-after benefits. This information greatly assists their clients in identifying the best candidates for the hiring manager’s teams.
A recruiter must also work hard to advocate for their candidates. Thoroughly understanding their candidate’s career goals and doing their best to meet those goals is another primary function of a recruiter.
Agency recruiter versus internal recruiter :
Agency recruiters and internal recruiters have their fair share of differences though their primary functions remain the same.
Recruiters who work for an agency will partner with multiple companies and hiring managers. These relationships allow agency recruiters to submit their candidates to numerous jobs if candidate rejection occurs. Internal recruiters typically work with one hiring manager and cannot resubmit resumes if candidacy is declined.
Agency recruiters are very proactive in their candidate searches. They reach out to their established network to present job opportunities. They also increase their network by making new connections. Internal recruiters are typically reactive in their search, meaning they usually search their applicant track system (ATS) database and comb through submitted applications.
Benefits of partnering with a recruiter :
Interview preparation is a great benefit of partnering with a recruiter. Recruiters have a solid idea of what to expect from client interviews and help candidates feel confident and well prepared for their interviews.
Although recruiters do not create resumes for their candidates, they assist in refining resumes for client review and suggest helpful edits to make resumes more appealing.
Recruiters submit resumes directly into the hands of the hiring manager, bypassing any ATS system. This action is valuable as some ATS systems will completely overlook resumes due to a lack of keywords.
Paying for services :

Some job seekers have a misconception of paying a recruiter for their services, which is not true.
Upon successful placements, clients pay the recruiting agency. Recruiters typically earn a commission for a placement, so it is in the recruiter’s best interest to ensure a solid match for both the candidate and client alike. 
Furthermore, recruiters forfeit their commission should the candidate placement fail, which motivates them to do their best to identify the best candidate for the job.
Specialized versus generalized
There are different agency recruiters, some specialized in specific fields such as Information Technology, and those more generalized. The difference to a job seeker is the knowledge and connections of the recruiter.
Specialized recruiters tend to have a better understanding of their candidate’s backgrounds and skillset. IT recruiters have more knowledge when it comes to various technologies, languages, and overall skillsets. A generalized recruiter might not have any foundation in the industry or field of the candidate. 
Recruiters who specialize in specific fields understand the current market better than most. They will have a solid understanding of salary and overall compensation packages in their market. Generalized recruiters typically have to research every job order they receive to ensure they can negotiate a fair and competitive salary.


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